UCEPS AT|Testing and Certification|Inspection and insurance|Tahografe and GLONASS|The LIC plate and sprts designed|Examination, ATP, ADR|Калькулятор ЭПТС

Examination, ATP, ADR - December 2021

News for the selected period of Found… We offer the most interesting read.

  • How to issue an electronic vehicle passport

    We continue to work in all areas of our activities, including the registration of ELECTRONIC PASSPORTS for the following types of vehicles: - registered with the traffic police of the Russian Federation; -imported from the countries of the Customs Union (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan); - imported from other countries other than the countries of the Customs Union (with the registration of SBKTS). …

  • Stole license plates from vehicle

    Replacement of stolen numbers only recently ceased to be a problem for car owners. And if before the unlucky motorists pay a huge amount to the kidnappers, what would the number returned, then today simplified the procedure for restoring license plates leaves thieves without earnings. …


    On February 14, 2014 UCEPS AT Group received the Certificate № AA 002403 …